Jul 17, 2020
- Full Mode Filter - If you want to just see employees that have full access, you can click that. That'll filter everyone else out and only show you the full mode. The default for this is turned off, so you can see everybody. What you will also see is we can see the shop reminder, so this is the popup that you will see on the WIP screen, which we'll an example of that in a minute. Then we'll see a list of every employee.
- Shop Reminder - Turns on Shop Reminder on the WIP screen for this notification.
- Employee List - List of all active employees.
- Text Icon - Indicates if this employee has a phone number in their employee profile. Green = Phone number present. Gray = No Phone number present.
- Email Icon - Indicates if this employee has an email in their employee profile. Green = Email present. Gray = No email present.
You can click on employees name to edit their phone and email settings without needing to leave this page.
- Click employees name
- Popup modal to edit employees phone or email
To turn on a notification for the shop reminder or for an individual employee, click the selector next to the action desired.
- Blue - Notification is ON for this action
- Gray - Notification is OFF for this action