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Showing articles from customer info tag

Missing Customer

**_When a Customer seems to disappear they have most likely been overwritten._** _9 times out of 10 following these steps will help you restore that Customer Profile._ * Go to Find RO on the Main Menu on the WIP screen * Type in the Customer's name ![][1] * Look for the last Closed RO for that Customer and V…

Customer Alert Box

**_How to use the alert box?_** The customer Alert Box inside the Customer Profile is used to notify or alert team members to information about specific customers that they need to know or be aware of. _**PLEASE DO NOT PRESS THE ENTER KEY IN THIS BOX**_ To set up the Alert Box: The Alert Box can only be utilized a…

Data Transfer - Customer Information

### Shop Boss will attempt Data Transfers when you become a paid subscriber. Pricing factors are listed below * ### CUSTOMERS AND VEHICLES This option transfers all of your existing customers and vehicles, WITHOUT REPAIR HISTORY. The cost of this option is **$399.00** * ### CUSTOMERS, VEHICLES, REPAIR HISTORY …

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