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Home > Shop Boss > Reports > Printing Problems For Reports
Printing Problems For Reports
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To print a Report in Chrome, and the print preview does not pop up, there is a fix/workaround. Please follow the proceeding steps to fix the issue. There is also a video below that shows the steps required.


Step 1: Open up a new tab in Chrome and go to the "flags" area by typing in the address bar - chrome://flags
Step 2: In the search bar at the top of the page that loads, search for the word "print".
Step 3: Find the item labeled "Enable New Print Preview UI Layout", or a new one since a recent update "Use PDF compositor service for printing".

Step 4: Change that drop-down option to "Enabled".

Step 5: Once that is changed a button at the bottom of the page will show saying to relaunch Chrome in order for those changes to take effect.
Step 6: Relaunch Chrome. Tabs and Shop Boss will remain logged in.

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