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Home > Shop Boss > Settings > How do I set up my Labor Matrix
How do I set up my Labor Matrix
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To set up your Labor Matrix, follow these easy steps:


1. From your main WIP page click on Settings

2. Then choose Labor Matrix



**Please note that the "Starting Labor Price" and the "Ending Labor Price" must contain all possibilities of cost prices.**


Looking at the first General line, the Starting Labor Price says 0.01 (a penny) then the Ending Labor Price is 99.99 ($99.99), then the next line starts at 100.00 and goes to 199.99, then the next line starts at 200.00 and goes to 399.99 etc. 


The Markup Factor is the multiplication factor by which you want to calculate your markup. For example, if you wanted to set a markup of 40%, your factor would be 1.40 and if you wanted a markup of 80% your multiplication factor would be 1.80. 


The GPM is your Gross Profit Margin which is calculated based upon your cost and your sale price. Just because it does not say 40% as your GPM does not mean that it is not marking up the labor 40%. 


The display order is which order you want your categories to show up when adding labor to an RO.

**If you do not wish to use the labor matrix you can choose the (None) option within the labor line under the Labor Matrix option.**

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