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Home > Shop Boss > Repair Orders > How do I change the RO dates?
How do I change the RO dates?
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To add another level of security and consistency, the ability to change the date that an RO was created in your system does not exist.


However, you are able to change the close or "Status" date of an RO.


Here are the steps needed:


1. The RO must be Closed in order to change the close date.


2. You as an employee must have the permissions to do so. 
     - To change that, go to Settings, then Employees, then click on the employee's name. Click the blue Permissions button, then select the toggle switch for "Change RO Dates", Close, and Save Changes.



3. Once those above tasks have been completed, you can now edit the Status date of a Closed RO by simply finding the RO and clicking on it.

When you go into that RO, the Status date will be a maroon color and a clickable link.



Follow the steps required to verify your identity and you can change the date to any day you choose. The password will be the password you use to log into your Shop Boss account. 


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