Welcome to our NEW FEEDBACK Portal!
We created the Feedback tab for our shops to share their ideas and their needs so other shops could vote on those ideas and we could work on making them a reality!
To enter a Suggestion on the Feedback tab
Click on Feedback
To add a Feature Request to or update Shop Boss click Feature Request
- Select Category for where the Suggestion should go
- Start typing out the Suggestion
(as you start typing it will start to filter so you can see if someone has already entered that idea)
- If that Suggestion has already been added you can vote on it by pressing the boxes with numbers
- If the Suggestion has not been entered you can continue and add as many details to the Suggestion as you can
- Submit Request
To Suggest adding an Integration click Integrations
- Add the Name or URL of the Suggested Integration
(as you start typing it will start to filter so you can see if someone has already entered that idea)
- If that Suggestion has already been added you can vote on it by pressing the boxes with numbers
- If the Suggestion has not been entered you can continue and add as many details to the Suggestion as you can
- Click Suggest
From here other shops will be able to Vote on your Suggestions.
The more Votes a Suggestion gets the farther up the list it moves.
We look forward to receiving your Suggestions for future improvements!!