Jan 24, 2023
BOSS Vin will allow you to check-in vehicles faster and efficiently.
- Here is a link to a walkthrough video: https://youtu.be/2VFwgYUaQx4
- This version is a web application, which means you do not have to go to the app stores to install it.
How to Install
Below please find videos on how to install on your specific device.
In order to properly install you must:
- Visit https://www.shopbosspro.com/vin
- Log in to your Shop Boss account
- Add the page to your home screen (see videos below)
- Once installed, log in again to Shop Boss
- Once you have installed you will not need to log back in unless you log out
Here are directions to install on your device:
Apple Devices: https://youtu.be/9heFyqqpPIc
(Must use Safari to install, it is the only Browser that allows you to Add to Home Screen on Apple devices. )
- Make sure your Apple device is logged into your Shop Boss account on Safari.
- Once you are logged in you will be able to copy this link into your safari browser https://www.shopbosspro.com/vin
- Once it logs you into your Boss VIN you will see the little box with an upward arrow at the bottom in the middle.
- Click the box and it will give you the option to Add to Home Screen.
- Once the app is installed you will be able to go into Boss VIN and search for your customer and it will give you the option to scan the vin.
- Once the VIN is added to your customer files you will be able to go into your customer's file and the new VIN will be there.
Android Devices